While Patellofemoral pain is the most common type of knee pain observed in clinics, it is a challenging condition to treat due to its various presentations. Through a thorough analysis of all potential differential diagnoses in the anterior knee region, this course aims to assist participants in developing a systematic approach to managing patients with patellofemoral pain. We focus on conducting an expert assessment of the anterior knee and developing a customized treatment plan.
There is much more to managing patellofemoral pain than VMO exercises and patellar taping, and there is no room for a one-size-fits-all approach. This course will provide you with superior abilities to assess and treat patients with patellofemoral pain:
- What are an individual's primary pain drivers and which are associated with their presentation?
- How can we manage an individual's pain, and how does this integrate into their overall management plan?
- When and how should we be looking to influence a patient's structure, biomechanics, activity levels, or psychosocial factors, and how may this change throughout the management process?
This course begins with 3 hours of pre-recorded lectures (accredited for PQK), in which participants gain access to the most important theoretical concepts concerning patellofemoral pain. At your own pace and location, you can go through all pre-recorded information. Note that it is crucial to complete the online training before the offline training day. This way, you can maximize your knowledge, and we can focus the day itself on the practical aspect of this interesting topic.
HYBRID LEARNING: This course includes
- 3 hours of pre-recorded lectures (pre-course e-learning)
- 7 hours of live and offline workshops.
- Further develop your existing skills in:
- assessing the anterior knee
- using adjuncts (foot orthoses, taping, neuromuscular stimulation)
- exercise prescription
- running/movement re-training
- education and activity modification
- Improve your ability to develop and deliver tailored management to individuals with patellofemoral pain
Kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, podologen,...
PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch - 14
PQK - Manuele therapie (automatisch toegevoegd) - 14
370€ (excl. btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
- Toegang tot het electronisch leerplatform + 3u voorbereidend lesmateriaal
- Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes (offline dag).
Course components:
3 hours of pre-recorded lectures, to cover:
- Aetiology of patellofemoral pain
- Risk factors and associated drivers in patellofemoral pain
- Principles of assessment of the anterior knee
- Evidence underpinning and principles of exercise prescription
- Adjuncts for patellofemoral pain and their supporting evidence
- Evidence underpinning and principles of running/movement re-training
7 hour live and offline workshop, to cover:
- Assessment of the anterior knee
- Exercise prescription for patellofemoral pain rehabilitation
- Adjuncts for patellofemoral pain (foot orthoses & taping techniques
- Running/movement re-training for patellofemoral pain
- Question & answer session with case scenarios
Extra info