Masterclass Dry Needling : Temporomandibular pain and headache
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Orofacial Pain and Headache are highly common complaints in the physiotherapy practice. In most of the cases the musculoskeletal system plays a role in the clinical presentation of patients with Orofacial Pain and Headaches (primary or secondary role). Dry Needling of specific facial and cervical Myofascial sources of Pain is an extremely effective evidence supported clinical tool for patients with Orofacial Pain and Headaches.
In this one day masterclass workshop, participants will learn and practice a safe and effective Dry Needling approaches for the most commonly involved myofascial structures in patients with Orofacial Pain (mainly TMD) and Headaches (Cervicogenic, Tension Type and Migraine).
After completing to course participant will be able to:
- Practically know to assess, evaluate & locate common myofascial sources of pain in people Orofacial Pain and Headache.
- Practically use a relevant clinical reasoning model of management in people with Orofacial Pain and Headaches.
- Effectively & safely apply Dry Needling techniques to several myofascial structures that are relevant to patients with Orofacial Pain and Headache.
Lectures (20%) & practical (80%) sessions
Kinesitherapeuten met relevante opleiding in Dry Needling en TMD-rehab. Vereiste is dat er minstens een 3-daagse basisopleiding Dry Needling en een 2-daagse advanced course upper quadrant werd gevolgd bij één van de opleidingsorganisaties in Vlaanderen/Nederland.
Deze Masterclass komt in aanmerking voor het behoud van accreditatie voor erkende myofasciaal therapeuten die lid zijn van BMST.
360€ (excl. btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille
Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.
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