
Day One - Differential Diagnosis & Manual Therapy
Day Two - Rehab of Articular and Extra-articular Pathologies

Do you find differential diagnosis with some hip and groin presentations difficult?
Want a clear understanding on how best to approach FAI, Cam or Pincer Hip Impingements?
Are you frustrated with hip pain patients, who fail to progress, keep coming back with recurring problems? Are you up to date on the current management of FAI and Labral pathology?


Like a lot of clinicians, you may see patients presenting with anterior hip and groin pain in private practice or sports medicine clinics. The hip and groin area is often viewed as a “black box” because of the complex anatomy and overlapping pain referral patterns. Whether it is the week-end warrior, yoga enthusiast or the competing triathlete, accurate diagnosis and management of hip and groin pain can be challenging.

Conditions like hip impingement syndromes, labral tears, chondral lesions and ligamentum teres injuries are being increasingly identified as cause of hip and groin pain in the physically active population between the ages of 18-45. Although, various treatment methods are reported there is a lack of consensus on the role of conservative management.

This 2-day course is designed for all therapists who work with physically active patients with anterior hip and groin pain. The aim of the course is to provide a clear, honest and evidence based look, combined with more than 25 years of joint clinical experience at what does and does not work in the assessment and management of the active hip patient. A key goal would be for you to leave with things that both simplify the hip for you and help differential diagnoses what is going on, both articular and extra-articular pathologies of the hip.

This hands on course will consider the evidence and how this has been integrated into practice. The active treatment section will look at manual techniques in the management of the adult hip patient and comprehensive rehabilitation of articular and extra-articular pathologies. It is designed to be highly practical and full of clinical tips that you can put into practice immediately.


  • Overview of the complex interaction of the groin and the hip joint including femoro-acetabular impingement, labral lesions, extra-articular pathologies and tendinopathy.
  • A detailed and a systematic physical examination will be covered using a novel and evidence based tool (The layering concept) for the assessment of the adult hip patient and a solid understanding of differential diagnosis
  • Understanding of the biomechanical and developmental factors leading to symptomatic FAI and clinical insights on managing complex presentation
  • Practical application of manual therapy in the management of hip and groin pain
  • Overview of Rehab principles following Hip Arthroscopy and Conservative Management of Articular and Extra-articular Pathologies
  • Integration of the theory, current evidence and treatment tools with case studies



Kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, chiropractoren en sportartsen.


PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch - 24

PQK - Manuele therapie (automatisch toegevoegd) 28


620€ (excl. btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')


Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.

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