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The Shoulder: Theory & Practice

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Gent - De Punt
09:00 - 18:00
Leuven - Waves
09:00 - 18:00


In these two days of Jeremy Lewis shoulder training he takes you through all aspects of treatment and rehabilitation of the shoulder. A biopsychosocial approach for the assessment and management of musculoskeletal conditions  involving the shoulder region. Taught worldwide in over 35 countries, this course is continually updated, integrating the latest research evidence.
In addition to assessment & management of the shoulder region, this course synthesises the complex relationships between; the shoulder & body biomechanics, pain science, lifestyle, patient psychosocial factors, beliefs & expectations, best practice, & more …and is guaranteed to be fun!

HYBRID LEARNING : This course concludes

  • 3 hours of pre-recorded lectures (precourse e-learning)
  • +14 hours live and offline workshop.
  • Access to recordings of the presentations so that all content can be viewed again afterwards


  • To develop a better understanding and knowledge of the clinical anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder girdle.
  • To appreciate the importance of taking a biopsychosocial approach to patient management.
  • To develop a comprehensive subjective and physical evaluation strategy for the shoulder that considers local and referred sources of pain and directs the clinician to develop an appropriate management plan.
  • To develop greater confidence with the physical assessment of the shoulder region and a better understanding of the evidence for the use of the selected assessment techniques.
  • To develop a greater understanding and knowledge of various pathologies of the shoulder girdle.
  • To develop greater competency in the management of patients with a variety of shoulder pathologies.
  • To review the research evidence relating to the influence of posture and muscle imbalance and its relationship with shoulder pathology.
  • To review the evidence underpinning the pathology, and the assessment and management of various shoulder conditions, including rotator cuff related shoulder pain and frozen shoulder
  • To review the research evidence evaluating the use of diagnostic imaging as part of the management for musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder.
  • To review the research evidence evaluating the use of injections as part of the management for musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder.
  • To develop greater confidence in the use of exercise therapy and other techniques for managing shoulder conditions and evaluation of the efficacy of the techniques, balanced against the evidence base for using these techniques.


Jeremy Lewis

Dr Jeremy Lewis is a Consultant Physiotherapist and Professor of Musculoskeletal Research. He was born in New Zealand and trained in Australia. He works in the UK NHS as well as working privately in central London. He is Professor of Musculoskeletal Research at the University of Hertfordshire, UK, and adjunct Professor at the University of Limerick, Ireland.He assesses and treats patients with complex shoulder problems. Jeremy Lewis has also trained as a sonographer and performs ultrasound guided shoulder injections as part of the rehabilitation process.
Jeremy has taught shoulder workshops internationally in over 35 countries. He has been invited to present keynote and invited lectures at many international conferences. His main areas of research interest are rotator cuff related shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, injection therapy, exercise therapy and lateral elbow tendinopathy.Jeremy Lewis is an associate editor for the Journal of Orthopaedic and SportsPhysical Therapy (JOSPT). He was a co-editor and author for Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (4e edition).


Kinesitherapeuten, sportartsen, osteopaten, chiropractoren en ergotherapeuten.


PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch 24

Manuele therapie - Cursussen, bijscholingen en symposia (automatisch toegevoegd) 28


715€ (excl btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille  (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')


  • Toegang tot het electronisch leerplatform + 3u voorbereidend lesmateriaal
  • Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes (offline dag).

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