Jo  Gibson );

Jo Gibson

Jo Gibson is an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Specialist & Consultant Physiotherapist working at Rehab4Performance, Liverpool UK. She previously worked as a Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist in the Liverpool Upper Limb Unit at the Royal Liverpool Hospital.  She has worked as a Shoulder Specialist since 1995 and lectures Nationally and Internationally about assessment and rehabilitation of the shoulder complex. Jo has co-developed Masters modules with Liverpool University for the diagnosis and treatment of upper limb pathology and has co-authored national guidelines for the management of different shoulder pathologies. She has presented original research at many National and International conferences, published in peer-reviewed journals and written several book chapters.

Courses taught by Jo

This shoulder course will look at the challenges of true evidence based practice and how developments in the pain sciences and communication literatur...

  • 17-10-2025
  • Brugge - NH Brugge
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