This shoulder course will look at the challenges of true evidence based practice and how developments in the pain sciences and communication literature offer opportunities for enhancing interventions. The course is constantly updated and essentially it reflects the approach Jo Gibson uses everyday in clinical practice to the benefit of patients.
The course is designed to be honest, fun and interactive and includes plenty of treatment tips and real-life examples.
Jo has been teaching her shoulder course for over 20 years. Her involvement in original research, study at Masters level and vast experience of treating patients with shoulder problems has enabled her to develop a simple, evidence-informed approach to assessment and rehabilitation of the shoulder that is immediately applicable to practice. Simple assessment strategies will enable participants to design effective treatment interventions, which reflect the functional needs of patients.
- To present the current literature regarding dynamic stability of the shoulder complex and explore the application to clinical assessment and treatment.
- To present the current literature regarding the pathophysiology of common shoulder conditions To demonstrate key assessment tools to explore function of the dynamic stabilisers of the shoulder as a basis for treatment planning.
- To demonstrate key treatment approaches based on the current evidence to address dysfunction in the shoulder complex.
- To discuss factors that influence outcome and enhance exercise adherence.
- To consider the importance of communication and language on patient’s pain experience.
By the end of this course the participant should:
- Understand current concepts of dynamic stability of the shoulder joint.
- Understand current theories relating to the pathophysiology of common shoulder conditions.
- Develop an awareness of current research regarding evidence-based treatment of shoulder pathology.
- Understand key assessment and treatment tools for the successful treatment of the shoulder joint.
- Have the ability to clinically reason key treatment approaches in the management of common shoulder conditions based on movement dysfunction.
- Understand the key factors in enhancing exercises adherence and outcome.
- Understand the importance of individualising patient education and the power of language in influencing the pain experience.
Kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, sportartsen, podologen en osteopaten
PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch - 24
PQK - Manuele therapie (automatisch toegevoegd) - 28
720€ (excl btw) , 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.
After attending this course, one can participate in the 1-day Practical Shoulder Day run by Jo Gibson. This course day will focus on the following aspects:
- It will look at application of the key principles and clinical reasoning framework to several patient presentations and ensure confidence in problem solving even complex presentations.
- It will also consider exercise progression and getting patients back to what matters to them.
- It is designed to be practical, interactive and fun and will use several case studies to facilitate delegates learning.
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