Achilles Tendinopathy presents an enormous clinical challenge for Master Athletes due to high prevalence and chronic nature of the pathology. Exercise rehabilitation is considered to have the highest evidence for effectiveness as treatment, yet many athletes struggle with pain and symptoms for a long time.
During the rehabilitation questions arise relating to how to prescribe the exercise (dosing and type of exercises) and how to individualize the treatment for the athlete can be a challenge. The response to treatment also varies between patients.
This PowerTalk aims to give an overview on how injury and exercise affects the tendon, discuss the presence of subgroups of patients and how to individualize the treatment from initial injury to return to sport. A systematic approach of designing an individualized return to sport plan using careful monitoring of symptoms and load progression will be discussed.
By the end of this PowerTalk attendees should:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the evidence for various types of exercise treatments for patients with Achilles tendinopathy.
- Understand how multiple factors can contribute to tendon pain and function within a biopsychosocial model
- Develop an individualized rehabilitative plan of care for return to sport in athletes with Achilles tendinopathy.
- Understand how to optimize the return to sport without injury recurrence.
Kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten, podologen, sportartsen, osteopaten,...
4 pt PQK
66€ (excl btw)
Syllabus (digitaal), uitgesteld kijken mogelijk tot 48u na het verzenden van de opname.