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PowerTalk: Is my ACL ready? – How data can assist your rehabilitation

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Outcomes from both ACL injury and reconstructive surgery are generally poor, with low numbers returning to sport (or previous function) and relatively high risk of developing knee osteoarthritis. One potential solution to this is a more criterion-based approach, where the patient has to pass tests to progress to the next stages of rehabilitation, rather than the process being time based. This has the advantage of both improving confidence and compliance, through the attainment of these short-term goals.

This PowerTalk will present this data driven approach to progression through ACL rehabilitation. It will identify key stages in rehabilitation, the key tests related to them and when in the rehabilitation process to undertake them. Also discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the tests and alternates which could be used. At the end of the talk participants should have a clearer plan for ACL rehabilitation and understand when and in which direction to progress their patients.


Through participating in the PowerTalk candidates will:

  • Understand the importance of monitoring and measuring in ACL rehabilitation.
  • Understand the relative merits of different testing modalities.
  • Understand how data can help to inform progression of rehabilitation in key stages of ACL rehabilitation.
  • Learn key tests that can be used during rehabilitation
  • Be able to make data driven decisions for the return to training and to return to performance



Kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten


PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch 4

Manuele therapie - Cursussen, bijscholingen en symposia (automatisch toegevoegd) 4


€66 (excl. btw)


Syllabus, uitgesteld kijken mogelijk tot 48u na het verzenden van de opname

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