

This unique 4-day hybrid learning will be split into two parts:

We start of with an online course spread over two consecutive days during which Dr. Jo Millios (AUS) will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of caring for men with prostate cancer in a physiotherapy setting. All aspects of treatment - prehabilitation, treatment options and rehabilitation strategies- will be addressed in an evidenced- based program that includes original research from Jo.

Topics covered include bladder, bowel and erectile dysfunction, pelvic floor muscle assessment and training, exercise prescription and penile rehabilitation.  No question is off limits as this aims to be a very interactive session, despite the distance!

During the second part of this course, an offline 2-day course, Dr. Gerard Greene will focus on the assessment and management of male pelvic pain. Gerard will integrate a wide range of practical skills that will prove to be useful in daily clinic.

The course will focus on the detailed history taking of the complex conditions these men present with. Conditions that will be introduced and focused on will be male pelvic pain, male athletic pelvic pain and hard flaccid syndrome. This course will also focus on addressing the challenges of setting up or building a Men's Health Physiotherapy service.


  • Learn how to relate pelvic floor anatomy, biomechanics and function to common male pelvic health conditions and to introduce athletic pelvic pain and the condition of hard flaccid.
  • Explore detailed history taking skills with these complex conditions like male pelvic pain and prostate cancer.
  • To explore the complex psychological, emotional, cognitive, social & behavioural aspects of the conditions these men present with.
  • Develop assessment and management strategies to assist men diagnosed with prostate cancer and with male pelvic pain, including practical skills:
    • External and Internal Pelvic Floor Examination
    • Musculoskeletal assessment in male pelvic health 
    • Role of musculoskeletal & exercise-based physiotherapy in the male pelvic pain patient to include athletic pelvic pain and to bridge the musculoskeletal and pelvic health gap
    • Role of transabdominal ultrasound scanning & its use in the over or under active male pelvic floor.
  • Summarize common issues in prostate cancer outcomes and management to enrich patient experience.
  • To highlight education in ‘’taboo topics’’ for men which include erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence and Peyronie’s disease, common conditions seen in men with prostate cancer.
  • The role of Physiotherapy in prostate cancer care from pre to rehabilitation and beyond and to integrate additional practical skills.
  • Develop confidence, understanding and compassion in recognizing the need for more education and support in Men’s Health and Prostate Cancer specifically. 
  • Gain further insight into how to develop an online telehealth male pelvic health service and addressing the challenges and opportunities that COVID-19 poses



This course is designed for male & female Physios who want to develop/update their interest in Men’s Health Physiotherapy, including those with a Women’s Health, Musculoskeletal or Sports background. It will equip you to start working with male pelvic patients and to develop a new role or service.


Pro-Q Kine 24 ptn


870€ (ex btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille  (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')


Syllabus, uitgesteld kijken, toegang tot online leerplatform, lunch en koffiepauzes bij het offline gedeelte.

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