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Masterclass Dry Needling : The sporting shoulder

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Upper limb tasks and activities require complex coordinated movements of the cervical-thoracic- scapular, shoulder and upper limb. Prevalence of shoulder pain in the general population is high and in the sporting population. It is not surprising that shoulder pain and dysfunction is one of the most common presentations in musculoskeletal physiotherapy clinics.

In sports, such as swimming, tennis, golf, rugby, field athletics, boxing etc, shoulder pain presents both as traumatic or overuse injuries. Myofascial pain is one of the most common presentations in shoulder pain especially in relation to the weak and painful shoulder, with referral often mimicking or coexisting with rotator cuff or subacromial pain syndrome type presentations. Weakness and low fatigue resistance is one of the considered mechanisms for the precipitation of myofascial pain.

There are many muscles that refer pain and inhibit strength of the shoulder complex. Knowledge and assessment of these muscles is important in the management of shoulder pain, both in the sporting and general population.

This course will review the muscles of the shoulder complex that are commonly involved in shoulder pain. Will be in expert review of both manual palpation and dry needling technique for the management of myofascial shoulder pain.

This course will improve your expertise, safety and evidence informed application of myofascial therapy and dry needling for people which shoulder pain.

HYBRID LEARNING : The course will be delivered with the primary focus on practical hands-on skills:

  • Introduction and video lecture online approximately 1 hour
  • Practical element offline: didactic, demonstration, practical 8 hours
  • Relevant reading material and research in our elearning platform



Kinesitherapeuten met relevante opleiding in  Dry Needling. Vereiste is dat er minstens een 3-daagse basisopleiding Dry Needling en een 2-daagse advanced course upper quadrant werd gevolgd bij één van de opleidingsorganisaties in Vlaanderen/Nederland.


Deze Masterclass komt in aanmerking voor het behoud van accreditatie voor erkende myofasciaal therapeuten die lid zijn van BMST.



310€ (excl. btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille


  • Toegang tot het electronisch leerplatform + 1u voorbereidend lesmateriaal
  • Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes (offline dag).


The shoulder from myofascial perspective - 1 hour pre-course online video presentation:

  • Shoulder review
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Shoulder muscle pain, brief relevance, and science of trigger points
  • Evidence for dry needling and shoulder
  • The weekend pain for shoulder / the stiff and painful shoulder
  • Dry needling background technique and safety

Practical element - offline - 8 hours:

  • Relevant length testing
  • Relevant muscle strength testing of the rotator cuff/trapezius/serratus anterior
  • Muscle palpation
  • Trigger point dry needling of muscles of the cervical-thoracic-scapular and shoulder

Muscles covered:

  • Trapezius, levator scapula, rhomboids, serratus anterior
  • Infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, supraspinatus, deltoid
  • Teres major, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor