This course will review the most updated terminology and research for coccyx pain, as well as the functional anatomy and relevant biomechanics. You will learn about the risk factors, including lifestyle factors that influence coccyx pain as well as how to perform a physical examination, including a Digital Rectal Examination (DRE). You’ll also understand how to provide targeted manual therapy and promote self-management, including exercises, for this patient group. Conservative and surgical management will be discussed, as well as the current evidence for both. Effective communication and building a strong therapeutic alliance with your patients will also be discussed. At the end of the course you will review a case study allowing demonstration and reinforcement of clinical reasoning required to effectively manage patients with coccyx pain.
Using a biopsychosocial framework combined with the latest evidence and almost 20 years of clinical experience, this 7-hour course aims to improve your confidence and competence in managing people presenting with coccyx pain.
- Understand the functional anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvic girdle and coccyx
- Understand the evidence-based risk factors, including psychosocial and lifestyle factors, for coccyx pain
- Review the relationship between coccyx pain and pelvic floor muscle function
- Understand the impact of pregnancy and vaginal birth on the coccyx
- Understand the different patient phenotypes of coccyx pain, ie fracture vs dislocation vs hypermobility
- Review the conservative, pharmacological and surgical management options for coccyx pain and the evidence base for each
- Learn how to perform a physical examination of a patient presenting with coccyx pain, including external and internal assessment (Digital Rectal Examination)
- Understand the relevant outcome measures and screening tools to thoroughly assess the psychosocial aspects that influence coccyx pain
- Understand the importance of effective communication and developing a strong therapeutic alliance with your patients
- Learn targeted manual therapy techniques for coccyx pain
- Understand the rationale and be able to prescribe a self-management program for coccyx pain, including pain relief strategies and specific exercises
- Feel confident managing a person with coccyx pain using a biopsychosocial & evidence-informed approach
Kinesitherapeuten met interesse in de pelvische reëducatie en perinatale kinesitherapie.
PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch - 14
PQK - Bekkenbodemreëducatie en perinatale kinesitherapie (automatisch toegevoegd) - 14
290€ (ex btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
2 live online sessies van telkens 3.5u, syllabus en uitgesteld kijken.
Toegang tot ons online leerplatform. Via deze weg kunnen de opnames tot 6 maanden nadien (her)bekeken worden.
Extra info
Deze cursus maakt deel uit van het Pelvic Health Expert-traject.
Dit traject omvat een gestructureerde leerlijn, die bestaat uit drie krachtige modules en biedt je de kans om jezelf te ontwikkelen tot bekkenbodemexpert.
Tijdens de intro module proef je van de basisprincipes. Je leert hoe belangrijk de bekkenbodem is voor de vrouwelijke gezondheid tijdens en na de zwangerschap.
In de expert module ga je dieper in op allerlei meer complexere onderwerpen en verfijn je je praktische vaardigheden. Je leert hoe jij jouw rol als bekkenbodemtherapeut optimaal kan vervullen.
In de module uitbreiding kun je jouw kennis verder uitbreiden, kom je in aanraking met verschillende disciplines en word je een ware kenner op het gebied van Pelvic Health.