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Advanced Rehab in Temporomandibular Disorders : a practical approach

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Gent - De Punt
09:00 - 17:00


Temporomandibular disorders are the most common cause for orofacial pain, and refer to several highly common clinical disorders that involve the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the adjacent structures. Although the majority of patients with TMDs respond very well to manual and exercise therapies, some patients suffer chronic and persistent disorders that require a very skilled and accurate management.
During this one-day practical workshop it will be all about hands-on and we’ll use a Problem-Based-Learning approach. Expect to learn some extra skills and finetuning through all the practical content that will be presented. For each of the selected complicated case-studies (of real patients) several important and relevant techniques will be demonstrated and practiced under supervision.


After completing to course participant will be able to:

  • Put into practice a relevant clinical reasoning model of management in people with temporomandibular disorders & orofacial pain.
  • Choose and apply a relevant advanced manual therapy techniques for several complicated clinical presentations of temporomandibular disorders & orofacial pain.
  • Suspect and recognize dangerous medical conditions that may mimic temporomandibular disorders & orofacial pain.


Tzvika Greenbaum

Dr. Tzvika Greenbaum is a Physiotherapist since 2004, with combined clinical Master degree in Musculoskeletal & Sports fields from the University of South Australia (2006). During and following his studies in Adelaide (Australia) he has specialized in Manual Therapy for patients with neck pain and headache. He studied from leading clinicians such as dr. Dean Watson (headache clinician and researcher).
Tzvika is a private clinician in the Herzlia Medical Center Experts clinic (Tel Aviv) where he mainly treats patients with neck & back pain, headaches and temporomandibular disorders. He has been teaching since 2011 Physiotherapists and other health professionals at the post-graduate level about rehabilitation of people with neck pain, headache and temporomandibular disorders. Also he's the founder of The CCMA, The Cervico-Cranio-Mandibular Academy (CCMA), which is established to lead the field of Cervico-Cranio-Mandibular rehabilitation into modern evidence-based practice.
Tzvika completed his PhD studies from Tel Aviv University, at the Faculty of Medicine. Specifically, his research project was done in collaboration between the physiotherapy department (School of Health Sciences) and the School of Dental Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University in Israel.  In his prospective longitudinal study, Tzvika studied the relationship between specific temporomandibular disorders and impaired upper neck performance as well as the prevalence and incidence of cervicogenic headache among patients with temporomandibular disorders. This work was published in leading journals in the physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal Science and Practice)and dentistry (European Journal of Oral Science) professions, and Tzvika has presented his work in various conferences worldwide (2019 World Conference of Physical Therapy and 2017 Annual meeting of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain).


Deze praktijkdag is een extra specialisatiedag die volgt op de 2-daagse cursus "Temporomandibular Disorders". Enkel collega's die reeds deelnamen aan deze cursus of een andere meerdaagse TMD-cursus, kunnen deelnemen aan deze praktijkdag.


PQK - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch - 14

PQK - Manuele therapie - 14


350€ (excl. btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')


Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.

Extra info