A 3D biomechanical approach to rehabilitation & decision making
As a physio you build a strong relationship with every patient who has to go through an ACL rehabilitation. You’re there for her/him every step of the way. So you better know everything there is to know, starting from rupture and surgery to return to sport.
This course will discuss the challenges relating to the rehabilitation of athletes after ACL reconstruction and the use of biomechanics to improve the rehabilitation process and provide accurate data to assist in return-to-play (RTP) decision making. It includes loads of practical stuff, that can be used immediately in your professional setting.
The course will cover:
- What are the challenges in rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction
- Pathomechanics of ACL injury
- Graft Healing & RTP decision making after ACL reconstruction
- Components of rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction
- Strength and Power development
- Linear Running and Change of directional mechanics after ACL reconstruction
- How to navigate the route from RTP to return to performance
- Understand the key milestones for graft healing after ACL reconstruction
- Understand all the components that make a successful return after ACL reconstruction and identify the factors that influence them
- Understand the mechanism of injury of ACL and how biomechanics and rehabilitation can influence re-injury risk
- Identify all the factors that need to be assessed and addressed throughout ACL rehabilitation and how they interact with and influence each other.
- Understand the influence of exercise selection and coaching on outcomes during ACL rehabilitation
- Identify deficits in linear running and change of direction mechanics after ACL reconstruction that will negatively affect outcomes and be able to select and coach drills to modify those deficits
- Understand all the factors that influence a return to performance after ACL reconstruction be able to guide your athlete along that journey
Kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, osteopaten en artsen.
Pro-Q Kine 24 punten
650€ excl. btw, 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.