Athletes need to train their entire body to succeed in sport. But the vast majority emphasize the large muscles in the trunk and legs and neglect the connection point to the ground –> their feet!
In this course, we’ll take an objective look at what an athlete’s foot needs to bring to the table to succeed in sport. This entire course is build around the three main functions of the foot: allow forward progression of center of mass, torsional displacement and support during the stance phase, and optimize proprioception for improved stability within the foot. We’ll clearly show how impairments in these there primary functions impair performance and set the athlete up for overuse injury.
Both didactic and lab content will ensure you build confidence in assessment, manual therapy corrections, and treatment progression to optimize outcomes. We’ll train the foot independently, and together with the kinetic chain. We’ll also take a deep look at barefoot running, orthotics, and shoe design to help identify the role of footwear in both performance and recovery. This course is built on a well referenced research platform as well as innovative lessons learned as the author conducts independent footwear tests for a large number of footwear brands. You’ll learn to think outside the box, and outside the shoe in this great course with SmartEducation and Jay Dicharry.
- Identify the 3 essential criteria for proper foot function
- Identify structural alignment of the athlete’s foot and how it impacts tissue demand
- Identify motion block in within the foot and how they impair function
- Build confidence in a manual therapy treatment series to restore mobility
- Identify compensatory stabilization patterns in the foot and ankle and how they affect tissue stress
- Build a treatment plan to restore proper foot function from acute injury to athletic performance
- Understand specific overload that causes various lower leg pathologies, and how to address them
- Understand the purpose and use of orthotics in a treatment plan
- Understand how barefoot running differs from shod running
Sportkinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, sportartsen, osteopaten, podologen.
Pro-Q Kine 14 punten
320€ excl. btw, 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.