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PowerTalk: The ITB – Fact or Friction?

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Online @home
19:00 - 21:00


This PowerTalk will explore distal ITB pain, commonly seen in endurance athletes, in particular runners. Clinical assessment will look at the best ways to accurately assess and diagnose ITBS and discuss the use of imaging. Ways to assess athletic training load will be presented with real life examples.

Treatment tactics will be looked at for for different stages of recovery. How to rapidly settle an inflamed distal ITB will be presented and then relevant strength worl will be explored with specific exercise examples utilised. How to progress strength work and move into plyometric will be reviewed.

Prevention of recurrence will be covered including elements of running technique and correction including use of verbal cues and apps.
There will be a discussion on the pros/cons of steroid injection and surgery for these patients.
This  will be immediately applicable into clinical practice and case studies will be discussed to contextualise the content.


Through participating in the PowerTalk candidates will:

  • Be able to explain the cause of pain in ITB syndrome.
  • Discuss implications of limb biomechanics as a risk factor.
  • Describe the reasons for the importance of proximal control for these patients.
  • Be able to plan a reasoned treatment plan for a patient at any stage of recovery from ITB syndrome


Claire Robertson

Claire Robertson qualified in 1994 with a BSc(hons) Physiotherapy. She has since obtained her MSc Physiotherapy, in 2003, and PGCE in 2006. Claire has worked in the NHS, academia and private practice, and currently runs a specialist second opinion patellofemoral clinic at Wimbledon Clinics spending an hour per patient and liaising closely with their treating clinician. Claire is also the physiotherapist for the Warren Smith ski academy.Claire Robertson has lectured internationally and has many research papers and editorials published in internationally peer-reviewed journals. She is also a reviewer herself for Physiotherapy Research International, Physical Therapy in Sport, Clinical Anatomy and Physiotherapy. Claire runs her own post-graduate course on patellofemoral problems for physiotherapists. In December 2012 Claire was awarded a research grant by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation to investigate the meaning of crepitus to patients with patella femoral pain syndrome.Claire Robertson has always enjoyed sport and played tennis to GB standard as a junior. She has a love of all outdoor sports, particularly skiing and hiking. She has two children and understands the difficulties of combining rehabilitation with a busy life!


Kinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten en (sport)artsen.


PQK Manueel - 4 punten

PQK Algemeen - 4 punten


66€ (excl btw)


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