In this course we explore Pilates and movement concepts, and how they can be best utilised for people with Neurological Conditions. This highly practical course will explore movement on the mat, but also explore what is possible using the Pilates Reformer, Cadillac and other equipment. We will also discover how to build these movement concepts into a functional setting.
‘Movement is Medicine’, but all physios working with people with neurological conditions know how challenging it can sometimes be to interrelate your patients goals, with their capabilities and therapeutic needs. This is where the Pilates Reformer, Cadillac and other equipment can be extremely helpful in providing extra input or support to produce movement’s not possible in a regular gym setting. From optimising open-chain movement, through to developing motor control responses and building into ‘real-world’ situations, Pilates concepts and the equipment can be extremely helpful is providing a framework to support movement in people living with Neurological Disorders.
In this course you will be encouraged to find creative and effective solutions to promote best movement practices across a range of topics, whilst still taking an evidence-based approach into best resistance training practice. We will go through how Pilates and movement concepts can be best used in your practice with your patients.
Note: This course has been developed so you DO NOT need to have the Pilates equipment at your practice. We will explore how to adapt and re-create the concepts we discuss into your environment.
- Understand and be able to apply Pilates movement concepts in any population
- Be able to apply these concepts specifically in people living with Neurological Conditions
- Understand and feel confident in minor modifications to exercises which will aid in the patients movement journey
- Feel comfortable in being creative with movement
- Have an understand of the current best-evidence based practice regarding resistance training
Kinesitherapeuten of andere hulpverleners actief binnen de neurologische revalidatie.
Pro-Q-Kine Algemeen - 14 pt
Neurologische kinesitherapie - 14 pt
350€ (excl. btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.